Job advice

Company life

When a Disabled Person Enters the Company – Tips and Benefits

How would you react if your boss told you that your new colleague would be a disabled person? Would you perhaps start by telling him that this is rather a person with a disability… Indeed, looking beyond the disability eliminates prejudices, removes barriers and makes the new recruit’s integration easier. If everyone makes it their […]

Company life

Self-Confidence at Work – It’s a Winner!

How do you get self-confidence at work? Here are some tips to achieve this and be able to function at your full potential! Getting to know your strengths and areas for improvement “People who know themselves well have more self-confidence, because they know where their talents are,” summarizes Jacinthe Ouellet, occupational psychologist and coach at […]

Jobs search

Solutions for finding work… fast!

If you are looking for a job, whether temporary job or your career ideal, you must first take care of your CV and cover letter template to enhance the value of your skills. You can do the same with your LinkedIn profile, which is a good showcase for potential employers, provided it is neat and […]

Jobs search

Six tips to increase your visibility on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is now an essential tool for job seekers and their visibility. But with its various paid versions and dozens of parameters, it can be difficult to know how to use it effectively. Here are some tips to best set up your profile. While many job seekers tend to use the the LinkedIn search engine […]


The Independent Pharmacist – an Endangered Species

In the pharmacy world, unity is strength. In Quebec, partly because procurement is easier for the owners of pharmacies that belong to a chain such as Jean Coutu or Uniprix, there are no more than about fifty pharmacists who go it alone. The last few holdouts, often partisans of a pharmaceutical practice more in accord […]

Company life

7 trends for the future work environment

More flexibility, digitalization and diversity, fewer hierarchical systems, for more intelligent human capital – these are the major trends ahead for the future work environment. Sodexo, a specialist in quality of life services, has each year since 2012 a study on the major trends of work and their developments. Its goal is to provide the […]

Pay and benefits

Favouritism in Business or How to Survive the Boss’s Largesse

Larger office, more weeks of leave, longer break… If you are unhappy with favouritism shown to your colleague, act with tact and diplomacy so that the workplace atmosphere remains calm and productivity returns to its previous levels.     Some small and trivial gestures with unfortunate consequences Between being upset by Léon’s unjustified promotion and […]

Jobs search

Job Search – Some Tips to Beat the Competition!

Are you convinced that you are the ideal candidate for the desired position, but you are not the only person being considered? Here are some tips to make an active search and raise you up above the fray. Identify your “unfair advantage” The concept comes from entrepreneurship. To succeed in business, says author and entrepreneur […]

Career management

Testimonial: I Chose to Work Part-Time and I Don’t Regret It

Having a part-time job is certainly a financial setback, but it is compensated by benefits in kind. Like Josiane Décoste, many employees choose to only work a few days a week to devote more time to their family or to parallel activities. For several decades, part-time work has been the preserve of women. According to […]

Company life

Cosharing Offices – Innovative Solutions for Evolving Needs

Car, house, clothing, vegetable garden… these days, everything can be shared. This sharing culture, which has become a reality and will continue to grow in the years to come, now has its own trade shows and enthusiasts who create sites for sharing and the collaborative economy all over the world. Your workspace is no exception. […]

Not to be missed

How to Find the Right Distance to Keep with Customers

In a community pharmacy, close to 2/3 of the work is devoted to contact with customers. A successful interaction consists of ensuring there is a balance between personalized attention and the right distance. How do you find it? Instill trust According to Pierre-Marc Gervais, pharmacist in Montreal, it’s a matter of presenting yourself, stating the […]

Company life

When Companies Open the Door to Physical Activity

Practising a company sport is becoming increasingly widespread. Whatever the size, your organization can always find a solution to encourage you to practise a sports activity, participate in a tournament or simply have you adopt the essential gestures conducive to relaxation. Don’t be fooled, the employer also has an interest in it – improved productivity […]

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